In the fall of 1996, I started in the BFA Musical Theatre Program at Otterbein University (then College). I noticed shortly after starting, that they didn't have anyone to do the show posters and programs (ah! the simpler times), and volunteered my services. I was quickly accepted, even earning a scholarship to go along with the hourly rate I invoiced them at.
Fast-forward to fall 2020, and I receive an email from the current business manager asking if I could help them out, and it's kind of an emergency - their student designer had to back out. I, of course, obliged and the rest is history.
Fast-forward to fall 2020, and I receive an email from the current business manager asking if I could help them out, and it's kind of an emergency - their student designer had to back out. I, of course, obliged and the rest is history.

Key art and logos
2020 - 2021

Otterbein College Theatre Print
c. 1997
It was the 90s. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it.